Source code for rlgraph.environments.openai_gym

# Copyright 2018 The RLgraph authors. All Rights Reserved.
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import gym
import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange as range_
import time

from rlgraph.utils.rlgraph_errors import RLGraphError
from rlgraph.environments import Environment
from rlgraph.spaces import *

[docs]class OpenAIGymEnv(Environment): """ OpenAI Gym adapter for RLgraph: """ def __init__( self, gym_env, frameskip=None, max_num_noops=0, noop_action=0, episodic_life=False, fire_reset=False, monitor=None, monitor_safe=False, monitor_video=0, visualize=False, **kwargs ): """ Args: gym_env (Union[str,gym.Env]): OpenAI Gym environment ID or actual gym.Env. See frameskip (Optional[Tuple[int,int],int]): Number of game frames that should be skipped with each action (repeats given action for this number of game frames and accumulates reward). Default: (2,5) -> Uniformly pull from set [2,3,4]. max_num_noops (Optional[int]): How many no-ops to maximally perform when resetting the environment before returning the reset state. noop_action (any): The action representing no-op. 0 for Atari. episodic_life (bool): If true, losing a life will lead to episode end from the perspective of the agent. Internally, th environment will keep stepping the game and manage the true termination (end of game). fire_reset (Optional[bool]): If true, fire off environment after reset. monitor: Output directory. Setting this to None disables monitoring. monitor_safe: Setting this to True prevents existing log files to be overwritten. Default False. monitor_video: Save a video every monitor_video steps. Setting this to 0 disables recording of videos. visualize: If set True, the program will visualize the trainings of gym's environment. Note that such visualization is probably going to slow down the training. """ if isinstance(gym_env, str): self.gym_env = gym.make(gym_env) # Might raise gym.error.UnregisteredEnv or gym.error.DeprecatedEnv else: self.gym_env = gym_env # Manually set the frameskip property. self.frameskip = None if frameskip is not None: # Skip externally. if "NoFrameskip" in gym_env: self.state_buffer = np.zeros((2,) + self.gym_env.observation_space.shape, dtype=np.uint8) self.frameskip = frameskip else: # Set gym property. self.gym_env.env.frameskip = frameskip # In Atari environments, 0 is no-op. self.noop_action = noop_action self.max_num_noops = max_num_noops # Manage life as episodes. self.episodic_life = episodic_life self.true_terminal = True self.lives = 0 self.fire_after_reset = fire_reset if self.fire_after_reset: assert self.gym_env.unwrapped.get_action_meanings()[1] == 'FIRE' assert len(self.gym_env.unwrapped.get_action_meanings()) >= 3 self.visualize = visualize if monitor: if monitor_video == 0: video_callable = False else: video_callable = (lambda x: x % monitor_video == 0) self.gym_env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(self.gym_env, monitor, force=not monitor_safe, video_callable=video_callable) # Don't trust gym's own information on dtype. Find out what the observation space really is. # Gym_env.observation_space's low/high used to be float64 ndarrays, but the actual output was uint8. self.action_space = self.translate_space(self.gym_env.action_space) self.state_space = self.translate_space(self.gym_env.observation_space, dtype=self.reset().dtype) super(OpenAIGymEnv, self).__init__(self.state_space, self.action_space, **kwargs)
[docs] def seed(self, seed=None): if seed is None: seed = time.time() self.gym_env.seed(seed) return seed
[docs] def reset(self): if self.fire_after_reset: self.episodic_reset() state, _, terminal, _ = self.step(1) if terminal: self.episodic_reset() state, _, terminal, _ = self.step(2) if terminal: self.episodic_reset() return state else: return self.episodic_reset()
[docs] def episodic_reset(self): if self.episodic_life: # If the last terminal was actually the end of the episode. if self.true_terminal: state = self.noop_reset() else: # If not, step. state, _, _, _ = self._step_and_skip(self.noop_action) # Update live property. self.lives = self.gym_env.unwrapped.ale.lives() return state else: return self.noop_reset()
[docs] def noop_reset(self): """ Steps through reset and warm-start. """ if isinstance(self.gym_env, gym.wrappers.Monitor): self.gym_env.stats_recorder.done = True state = self.gym_env.reset() if self.max_num_noops > 0: num_noops = np.random.randint(low=1, high=self.max_num_noops + 1) # Do a number of noops to vary starting positions. for _ in range_(num_noops): state, reward, terminal, info = self.gym_env.step(self.noop_action) if terminal: state = self.gym_env.reset() return state
[docs] def reset_for_env_stepper(self): return self.reset()
[docs] def terminate(self): self.gym_env.close() self.gym_env = None
def _step_and_skip(self, actions): if self.frameskip is None: # Frames kipping is unset or set as env property. return self.gym_env.step(actions) else: # Do frameskip loop in our wrapper class. step_reward = 0.0 terminal = None info = None for i in range_(self.frameskip): state, reward, terminal, info = self.gym_env.step(actions) if i == self.frameskip - 2: self.state_buffer[0] = state if i == self.frameskip - 1: self.state_buffer[1] = state step_reward += reward if terminal: break max_frame = self.state_buffer.max(axis=0) return max_frame, step_reward, terminal, info
[docs] def step(self, actions): if self.visualize: self.gym_env.render() state, reward, terminal, info = self._step_and_skip(actions) # Manage lives if necessary. if self.episodic_life: self.true_terminal = terminal lives = self.gym_env.unwrapped.ale.lives() # lives < self.lives -> lost a life so show terminal = true to learner. if self.lives > lives > 0: terminal = True self.lives = lives return state, np.asarray(reward, dtype=np.float32), terminal, info
[docs] def step_for_env_stepper(self, actions): ret = self.step(actions) return ret[0], ret[1], ret[2]
[docs] def render(self): self.gym_env.render("human")
[docs] @staticmethod def translate_space(space, dtype=None): """ Translates openAI spaces into RLGraph Space classes. Args: space (gym.spaces.Space): The openAI Space to be translated. Returns: Space: The translated rlgraph Space. """ if isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Discrete): return IntBox(space.n) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.MultiBinary): return BoolBox(shape=(space.n,)) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): return IntBox(low=np.zeros((space.nvec.ndim,), dtype("uint8", "np")), high=space.nvec) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Box): # Decide by dtype: box_dtype = str(dtype or space.low.dtype) if "int" in box_dtype: return IntBox(low=space.low, high=space.high, dtype=box_dtype) elif "float" in box_dtype: return FloatBox(low=space.low, high=space.high) elif "bool" in box_dtype: return BoolBox(shape=space.shape) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Tuple): return Tuple(*[OpenAIGymEnv.translate_space(s) for s in space.spaces]) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Dict): return Dict({key: OpenAIGymEnv.translate_space(value) for key, value in space.spaces.items()}) raise RLGraphError("Unknown openAI gym Space class ({}) for state_space!".format(space))
def __str__(self): return "OpenAIGym({})".format(self.gym_env)