Source code for rlgraph.components.memories.fifo_queue

# Copyright 2018 The RLgraph authors. All Rights Reserved.
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.components.memories.memory import Memory
from rlgraph.spaces.space_utils import sanity_check_space
from rlgraph.utils.ops import FlattenedDataOp, flatten_op
from rlgraph.utils.util import dtype as dtype_
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class FIFOQueue(Memory): """ A wrapper for a simple in-graph FIFOQueue. """ def __init__(self, record_space=None, only_insert_single_records=False, **kwargs): """ Args: record_space (Space): The Space of a single record to be pushed to or pulled from the queue. only_insert_single_records (bool): Whether insertion will always only happen with single records. If True, will add a batch=1 rank to each to-be-inserted sample. """ super(FIFOQueue, self).__init__(scope=kwargs.pop("scope", "fifo-queue"), **kwargs) # The record Space must be provided for clients of the Queue that only use it for retrieving records, but never # inserting any. This way, RLgraph cannot infer the input space itself. self.record_space = record_space self.only_insert_single_records = only_insert_single_records # Holds the actual backend-specific queue object. self.queue = None # If record space given, overwrite the insert method as "must_be_complete=False". if self.record_space is not None: @rlgraph_api(component=self, must_be_complete=False, ok_to_overwrite=True) def _graph_fn_insert_records(self, records): flattened_records = flatten_op(records) flattened_stopped_records = {key: tf.stop_gradient(op) for key, op in flattened_records.items()} # Records is just one record. if self.only_insert_single_records is True: return self.queue.enqueue(flattened_stopped_records) # Insert many records (with batch rank). else: return self.queue.enqueue_many(flattened_stopped_records)
[docs] def create_variables(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): # Overwrite parent's method as we don't need a custom registry. if self.record_space is None: self.record_space = input_spaces["records"] # Make sure all input-records have a batch rank and determine the shapes and dtypes. shapes = list() dtypes = list() names = list() for key, value in self.record_space.flatten().items(): # TODO: what if single items come in without a time-rank? Then this check here will fail. # We are expecting single items. The incoming batch-rank is actually a time-rank: Add the batch rank. sanity_check_space(value, must_have_batch_rank=self.only_insert_single_records is False) shape = value.get_shape(with_time_rank=value.has_time_rank) shapes.append(shape) dtypes.append(dtype_(value.dtype)) names.append(key) # Construct the wrapped FIFOQueue object. if get_backend() == "tf": if self.reuse_variable_scope: shared_name = self.reuse_variable_scope + ("/" + self.scope if self.scope else "") else: shared_name = self.global_scope self.queue = tf.FIFOQueue( capacity=self.capacity, dtypes=dtypes, shapes=shapes, names=names, shared_name=shared_name )
@rlgraph_api def _graph_fn_get_records(self, num_records=1): # Get the records as dict. record_dict = self.queue.dequeue_many(num_records) # Return a FlattenedDataOp. flattened_records = FlattenedDataOp(record_dict) # Add batch and (possible) time rank to output ops for the auto-Space-inference. flat_record_space = self.record_space.flatten() for flat_key, op in record_dict.items(): if flat_record_space[flat_key].has_time_rank: op._batch_rank = 0 op._time_rank = 1 flattened_records[flat_key] = op else: op._batch_rank = 0 flattened_records[flat_key] = op return flattened_records @rlgraph_api def _graph_fn_get_size(self): """ Returns the current size of the queue. Returns: DataOp: The current size of the queue (how many items are in it). """ return self.queue.size()