Source code for rlgraph.components.layers.nn.nn_layer

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.components.layers.layer import Layer
from rlgraph.components.layers.nn.activation_functions import get_activation_function
from rlgraph.spaces import FloatBox, IntBox
from rlgraph.spaces.space_utils import sanity_check_space
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api, graph_fn

[docs]class NNLayer(Layer): """ A generic NN-layer object implementing the `apply` graph_fn and offering additional activation function support. Can be used in the following ways: - Thin wrapper around a backend-specific layer object (normal use case): Create the backend layer in the `create_variables` method and store it under `self.layer`. Then register the backend layer's variables with the RLgraph Component. - Custom layer (with custom computation): Create necessary variables in `create_variables` (e.g. matrices), then override `_graph_fn_apply`, leaving `self.layer` as None. - Single Activation Function: Leave `self.layer` as None and do not override `_graph_fn_apply`. It will then only apply the activation function. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Most NN layers have an activation function (some with parameters e.g. leaky ReLU). self.activation = kwargs.pop("activation", None) self.activation_params = kwargs.pop("activation_params", []) # Activation fn for define-by-run execution. self.activation_fn = None # The wrapped backend-layer object. self.layer = None self.in_space_0 = None super(NNLayer, self).__init__(scope=kwargs.pop("scope", "nn-layer"), **kwargs)
[docs] def check_input_spaces(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): """ Do some sanity checking on the incoming Space: Must not be Container (for now) and must have a batch rank. """ # Make sure all inputs have the same time/batch ranks. # TODO also check spaces for pytorch once unified space management if get_backend() == "tf": if "inputs[0]" in input_spaces: self.in_space_0 = input_spaces["inputs[0]"] self.time_major = self.in_space_0.time_major idx = 0 while True: key = "inputs[{}]".format(idx) if key not in input_spaces: break sanity_check_space(input_spaces[key], allowed_types=[FloatBox, IntBox], must_have_batch_rank=True) # Make sure all concat inputs have same batch-/time-ranks. assert self.in_space_0.has_batch_rank == input_spaces[key].has_batch_rank and \ self.in_space_0.has_time_rank == input_spaces[key].has_time_rank, \ "ERROR: Input spaces to '{}' must have same batch-/time-rank structure! " \ "0th input is batch-rank={} time-rank={}, but {}st input is batch-rank={} " \ "time-rank={}.".format( self.global_scope, self.in_space_0.has_batch_rank, input_spaces[key].has_batch_rank, idx, self.in_space_0.has_time_rank, input_spaces[key].has_time_rank ) idx += 1
#@rlgraph_api #def apply(self, *inputs): # out = self._graph_fn_apply(*inputs) # return dict(output=out) @rlgraph_api def _graph_fn_apply(self, *inputs): """ The actual calculation on one or more input Ops. Args: inputs (SingleDataOp): The single (non-container) input(s) to the layer. Returns: The output(s) after having pushed input(s) through the layer. """ # `self.layer` is not given: Only apply the activation function. if self.layer is None: # No activation function. if self.activation is None: return tuple(inputs) # Pass inputs through activation function. else: activation_function = get_activation_function(self.activation, self.activation_params) return activation_function(*inputs) # `self.layer` already includes activation function details. else: if get_backend() == "tf": output = self.layer.apply(*inputs) # Add batch-/time-rank flags. output._batch_rank = 0 if self.time_major is False else 1 if self.in_space_0 and self.in_space_0.has_time_rank: output._time_rank = 0 if self.in_space_0.time_major is True else 1 return output elif get_backend() == "pytorch": # Strip empty internal states: inputs = [v for v in inputs if v is not None] # PyTorch layers are called, not `applied`. # print("in net work layer: ", # print("network inputs type", type(inputs)) # import torch # for inp in inputs: # print("per input type = {} ".format(type(inp) )) # if isinstance(inp, torch.Tensor): # print("input shape = ", inp.shape) out = self.layer(*inputs) # print("layer output shape = ", out.shape) if self.activation_fn is None: return out else: # Apply activation fn. return self.activation_fn(out)