Source code for rlgraph.components.layers.nn.lstm_layer

# Copyright 2018 The RLgraph authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend

from rlgraph.components.layers.nn.nn_layer import NNLayer
from rlgraph.spaces import Tuple
from rlgraph.spaces.space_utils import sanity_check_space
from rlgraph.utils import PyTorchVariable
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api, graph_fn
from rlgraph.utils.ops import DataOpTuple

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf
elif get_backend() == "pytorch":
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn

[docs]class LSTMLayer(NNLayer): """ An LSTM layer processing an initial internal state vector and a batch of sequences to produce a final internal state and a batch of output sequences. """ def __init__( self, units, use_peepholes=False, cell_clip=None, static_loop=False, forget_bias=1.0, parallel_iterations=32, swap_memory=False, time_major=False, **kwargs): # weights_spec=None, dtype="float" """ Args: units (int): The number of units in the LSTM cell. use_peepholes (bool): True to enable diagonal/peephole connections from the c-state into each of the layers. Default: False. cell_clip (Optional[float]): If provided, the cell state is clipped by this value prior to the cell output activation. Default: None. static_loop (Union[bool,int]): If an int, will perform a static RNN loop (with fixed sequence lengths of size `static_loop`) instead of a dynamic one (where the lengths for each input can be different). In this case, time_major must be set to True (as transposing for this case has not been automated yet). Default: False. #weights_spec: A specifier for the weight-matrices' initializers. #If None, use the default initializers. forget_bias (float): The forget gate bias to use. Default: 1.0. parallel_iterations (int): The number of iterations to run in parallel. Default: 32. swap_memory (bool): Transparently swap the tensors produced in forward inference but needed for back prop from GPU to CPU. This allows training RNNs which would typically not fit on a single GPU, with very minimal (or no) performance penalty. Default: False. #time_major (bool): Whether the time rank is the first rank (vs the batch rank). # Default: False. #dtype (str): The dtype of this LSTM. Default: "float". """ super(LSTMLayer, self).__init__( graph_fn_num_outputs=dict(_graph_fn_apply=2), # LSTMs: unrolled output, final c_state, final h_state scope=kwargs.pop("scope", "lstm-layer"), activation=kwargs.pop("activation", "tanh"), **kwargs ) self.units = units self.use_peepholes = use_peepholes self.cell_clip = cell_clip self.static_loop = static_loop assert self.static_loop is False or (self.static_loop > 0 and self.static_loop is not True), \ "ERROR: `static_loop` in LSTMLayer must either be False or an int value (is {})!".format(self.static_loop) # self.weights_spec = weights_spec # self.weights_init = None self.forget_bias = forget_bias self.parallel_iterations = parallel_iterations self.swap_memory = swap_memory self.in_space = None # tf RNNCell # torch lstm and hidden state placeholder self.lstm = None self.hidden_state = None
[docs] def check_input_spaces(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): super(LSTMLayer, self).check_input_spaces(input_spaces, action_space) # Check correct tuple-internal-states format (if not None, in which case we assume all 0.0s). if "internal_states" in input_spaces: sanity_check_space(input_spaces["internal_states"], allowed_types=[Tuple]) assert len(input_spaces["internal_states"]) == 2,\ "ERROR: If internal_states are provided (which is the case), an LSTMLayer requires the len of " \ "this Tuple to be 2 (c- and h-states). Your Space is '{}'.".format(input_spaces["internal_states"]) # Check for batch AND time-rank. self.in_space = input_spaces["inputs"] sanity_check_space(self.in_space, must_have_batch_rank=True, must_have_time_rank=True)
[docs] def create_variables(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): self.in_space = input_spaces["inputs"] # Create one weight matrix: [input nodes + internal state nodes, 4 (4 internal layers) * internal state nodes] # weights_shape = (in_space.shape[0] + self.units, 4 * self.units) # [0]=one past batch rank # self.weights_init = Initializer.from_spec(shape=weights_shape, specification=self.weights_spec) # Wrapper for backend. if get_backend() == "tf": self.lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMBlockCell( #tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell( num_units=self.units, use_peephole=self.use_peepholes, cell_clip=self.cell_clip, forget_bias=self.forget_bias, name="lstm-cell" # TODO: self.trainable needs to be recognized somewhere here. # These are all not supported yet for LSTMBlockCell (only for the slower LSTMCell) # initializer=self.weights_init.initializer, # activation=get_activation_function(self.activation, *self.activation_params), # dtype=self.dtype, ) # Now build the layer so that its variables get created. in_space_without_time_rank = list(self.in_space.get_shape(with_batch_rank=True)) # Register the generated variables with our registry. self.register_variables(*self.lstm.variables) elif get_backend() == "pytorch": self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self.in_space, self.units) self.hidden_state = (torch.zeros(1, 1, self.units), torch.zeros(1, 1, self.units)) self.register_variables(PyTorchVariable(name=self.global_scope, ref=self.lstm))
@rlgraph_api def apply(self, inputs, initial_c_and_h_states=None, sequence_length=None): output, last_internal_states = self._graph_fn_apply(inputs, initial_c_and_h_states, sequence_length) return dict(output=output, last_internal_states=last_internal_states) @graph_fn def _graph_fn_apply(self, inputs, initial_c_and_h_states=None, sequence_length=None): """ Args: inputs (SingleDataOp): The data to pass through the layer (batch of n items, m timesteps). Position of batch- and time-ranks in the input depend on `self.time_major` setting. initial_c_and_h_states (DataOpTuple): The initial cell- and hidden-states to use. None for the default behavior (TODO: describe here what default means: zero?) The cell-state in an LSTM is passed between cells from step to step and only affected by element-wise operations. The hidden state is identical to the output of the LSTM on the previous time step. sequence_length (Optional[SingleDataOp]): An int tensor mapping each batch item to a sequence length such that the remaining time slots for each batch item are filled with zeros. Returns: tuple: - The outputs over all timesteps of the LSTM. - DataOpTuple: The final cell- and hidden-states. """ if get_backend() == "tf": # Convert to tf's LSTMStateTuple from DataOpTuple. if initial_c_and_h_states is not None: initial_c_and_h_states = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple( initial_c_and_h_states[0], initial_c_and_h_states[1] ) # We are running the LSTM as a dynamic while-loop. if self.static_loop is False: lstm_out, lstm_state_tuple = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( cell=self.lstm, inputs=inputs, sequence_length=sequence_length, initial_state=initial_c_and_h_states, parallel_iterations=self.parallel_iterations, swap_memory=self.swap_memory, time_major=self.in_space.time_major, dtype="float" ) # We are running with a fixed number of time steps (static unroll). else: output_list = list() lstm_state_tuple = initial_c_and_h_states # TODO: Add option to reset the internal state in the middle of this loop iff some reset signal # TODO: (e.g. terminal) is True during the loop. inputs.set_shape([self.static_loop] + inputs.shape.as_list()[1:]) #for input_, terminal in zip(tf.unstack(inputs), tf.unstack(terminals)): for input_ in tf.unstack(inputs): #input_ = inputs[i] # If the episode ended, the core state should be reset before the next. #core_state = nest.map_structure(functools.partial(tf.where, d), # initial_core_state, core_state) output, lstm_state_tuple = self.lstm(input_, lstm_state_tuple) output_list.append(output) lstm_out = tf.stack(output_list) # Returns: Unrolled-outputs (time series of all encountered h-states), final c- and h-states. lstm_out._batch_rank = 0 if self.in_space.time_major is False else 1 lstm_out._time_rank = 0 if self.in_space.time_major is True else 1 return lstm_out, DataOpTuple(lstm_state_tuple) elif get_backend() == "pytorch": # TODO init hidden state has to be available at create variable time to use. inputs =, 1, -1) out, self.hidden_state = self.lstm(inputs, self.hidden_state) return out, DataOpTuple(self.hidden_state)