Source code for rlgraph.components.layers.nn.dense_layer

# Copyright 2018 The RLgraph authors. All Rights Reserved.
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.utils import PyTorchVariable

from rlgraph.utils.initializer import Initializer
from rlgraph.components.layers.nn.nn_layer import NNLayer
from rlgraph.components.layers.nn.activation_functions import get_activation_function

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf
elif get_backend() == "pytorch":
    import torch.nn as nn

[docs]class DenseLayer(NNLayer): """ A dense (or "fully connected") NN-layer. """ def __init__(self, units, weights_spec=None, biases_spec=None, **kwargs): """ Args: units (int): The number of nodes in this layer. weights_spec (any): A specifier for a weights initializer. If None, use the default initializer. biases_spec (any): A specifier for a biases initializer. If False, use no biases. If None, use the default initializer (0.0). """ super(DenseLayer, self).__init__(scope=kwargs.pop("scope", "dense-layer"), **kwargs) self.weights_spec = weights_spec self.biases_spec = biases_spec # At build time. self.weights_init = None self.biases_init = None # Number of nodes in this layer. self.units = units
[docs] def create_variables(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): in_space = input_spaces["inputs[0]"] assert in_space.rank > 0, "ERROR: Must have input Space ({}) with rank larger 0!".format(in_space) # Create weights matrix and (maybe) biases vector. weights_shape = (in_space.shape[0], self.units) self.weights_init = Initializer.from_spec(shape=weights_shape, specification=self.weights_spec) biases_shape = (self.units,) self.biases_init = Initializer.from_spec(shape=biases_shape, specification=self.biases_spec) # Wrapper for backend. if get_backend() == "tf": self.layer = tf.layers.Dense( units=self.units, activation=get_activation_function(self.activation, *self.activation_params), kernel_initializer=self.weights_init.initializer, use_bias=(self.biases_spec is not False), bias_initializer=(self.biases_init.initializer or tf.zeros_initializer()), trainable=(False if self.trainable is False else True) ) # Now build the layer so that its variables get created. # Register the generated variables with our registry. self.register_variables(*self.layer.variables) elif get_backend() == "pytorch": # N.b. activation must be added as a separate 'layer' when assembling a network. # In features is the num of input channels. apply_bias = (self.biases_spec is not False) in_features = in_space.shape[1] if in_space.shape[0] == 1 else in_space.shape[0] # print("name = {}, ndim = {}, in space.shape = {}, in_features = {}, units = {}".format( #, ndim, in_space.shape, in_features, self.units)) self.layer = nn.Linear( # In case there is a batch dim here due to missing preprocessing. in_features=in_features, out_features=self.units, bias=apply_bias ) # Apply weight initializer if self.weights_init.initializer is not None: # Must be a callable in PyTorch self.weights_init.initializer(self.layer.weight) if apply_bias: if self.biases_spec is not None and self.biases_init.initializer is not None: self.biases_init.initializer(self.layer.bias) else: # Fill with zeros. if self.activation is not None: # Activation function will be used in apply. self.activation_fn = get_activation_function(self.activation, *self.activation_params) # Use unique scope as name. self.register_variables(PyTorchVariable(name=self.global_scope, ref=self.layer))