Source code for rlgraph.components.helpers.v_trace_function

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.components import Component
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class VTraceFunction(Component): """ A Helper Component that contains a graph_fn to calculate V-trace values from importance ratios (rhos). Based on [1] and coded analogously to: [1] IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures - Espeholt, Soyer, Munos et al. - 2018 ( """ def __init__(self, rho_bar=1.0, rho_bar_pg=1.0, c_bar=1.0, device="/device:CPU:0", scope="v-trace-function", **kwargs): """ Args: rho_bar (float): The maximum values of the IS-weights for the temporal differences of V. Use None for not applying any clipping. rho_bar_pg (float): The maximum values of the IS-weights for the policy-gradient loss: \rho_s \delta log \pi(a|x) (r + \gamma v_{s+1} - V(x_s)) Use None for not applying any clipping. c_bar (float): The maximum values of the IS-weights for the time trace. Use None for not applying any clipping. """ super(VTraceFunction, self).__init__(device=device, scope=scope, **kwargs) self.rho_bar = rho_bar self.rho_bar_pg = rho_bar_pg self.c_bar = c_bar
[docs] def check_input_spaces(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): # TODO: Complete all input arg checks. #log_is_weight_space = input_spaces["log_is_weights"] discounts_space, rewards_space, values_space, bootstrap_value_space = \ input_spaces["discounts"], input_spaces["rewards"], \ input_spaces["values"], input_spaces["bootstrapped_values"]
#sanity_check_space(log_is_weight_space, must_have_batch_rank=True) #log_is_weight_rank = log_is_weight_space.rank # Sanity check our input Spaces for consistency (amongst each other). #sanity_check_space(values_space, rank=log_is_weight_rank, must_have_batch_rank=True, must_have_time_rank=True) #sanity_check_space(bootstrap_value_space, must_have_batch_rank=True, must_have_time_rank=True) #sanity_check_space(discounts_space, rank=log_is_weight_rank, # must_have_batch_rank=True, must_have_time_rank=True) #sanity_check_space(rewards_space, rank=log_is_weight_rank, must_have_batch_rank=True, must_have_time_rank=True) @rlgraph_api(must_be_complete=False) def _graph_fn_calc_v_trace_values(self, logits_actions_pi, log_probs_actions_mu, actions, actions_flat, discounts, rewards, values, bootstrapped_values): """ Returns the V-trace values calculated from log importance weights (see [1] for details). T=time rank B=batch rank A=action Space Args: logits_actions_pi: log_probs_actions_mu: actions: action ints. actions_flat: one hot actions. #log_is_weights (DataOp): DataOp (time x batch x values) holding the log values of the IS # (importance sampling) weights: log(target_policy(a) / behaviour_policy(a)). # Log space is used for numerical stability (for the timesteps s=t to s=t+N-1). discounts (DataOp): DataOp (time x batch x values) holding the discounts collected when stepping through the environment (for the timesteps s=t to s=t+N-1). rewards (DataOp): DataOp (time x batch x values) holding the rewards collected when stepping through the environment (for the timesteps s=t to s=t+N-1). values (DataOp): DataOp (time x batch x values) holding the the value function estimates wrt. the learner's policy (pi) (for the timesteps s=t to s=t+N-1). bootstrapped_values: DataOp (time(1) x batch x values) holding the last (bootstrapped) value estimate to use as a value function estimate after n time steps (V(xs) for s=t+N). Returns: DataOpTuple: v-trace values (vs) in time x batch dimensions used to train the value-function (baseline). PG-advantage values in time x batch dimensions used for training via policy gradient with baseline. """ if get_backend() == "tf": # Calculate the log IS-weight values via: logIS = log(pi(a|s)) - log(mu(a|s)). # Use the action_probs_pi values only of the actions actually taken. log_probs_actions_taken_pi = tf.expand_dims(-tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits_actions_pi, labels=actions ), axis=-1) #log_probs_actions_taken_pi = tf.reduce_sum( # input_tensor=log_prob_actions_pi * actions_flat, axis=-1, keepdims=True, name="log-probs-actions-taken-pi" #) log_probs_actions_taken_mu = tf.reduce_sum( input_tensor=log_probs_actions_mu * actions_flat, axis=-1, keepdims=True, name="log-probs-actions-taken-mu" ) log_is_weights = log_probs_actions_taken_pi - log_probs_actions_taken_mu is_weights = tf.exp(x=log_is_weights, name="is-weights-from-logs") # Apply rho-bar (also for PG) and c-bar clipping to all IS-weights. if self.rho_bar is not None: rho_t = tf.minimum(x=self.rho_bar, y=is_weights, name="clip-rho-bar") else: rho_t = is_weights if self.rho_bar_pg is not None: rho_t_pg = tf.minimum(x=self.rho_bar_pg, y=is_weights, name="clip-rho-bar-pg") else: rho_t_pg = is_weights if self.c_bar is not None: c_i = tf.minimum(x=self.c_bar, y=is_weights, name="clip-c-bar") else: c_i = is_weights # This is the same vector as `values` except that it will be shifted by 1 timestep to the right and # include - as the last item - the bootstrapped V value at s=t+N. values_t_plus_1 = tf.concat(values=[values[1:], bootstrapped_values], axis=0, name="values-t-plus-1") # Calculate the temporal difference terms (delta-t-V in the paper) for each s=t to s=t+N-1. dt_vs = rho_t * (rewards + discounts * values_t_plus_1 - values) # V-trace values can be calculated recursively (starting from the end of a trajectory) via: # vs = V(xs) + dsV + gamma * cs * (vs+1 - V(s+1)) # => (vs - V(xs)) = dsV + gamma * cs * (vs+1 - V(s+1)) # We will thus calculate all terms: [vs - V(xs)] for all timesteps first, then add V(xs) again to get the # v-traces. elements = ( tf.reverse(tensor=discounts, axis=[0], name="revert-discounts"), tf.reverse(tensor=c_i, axis=[0], name="revert-c-i"), tf.reverse(tensor=dt_vs, axis=[0], name="revert-dt-vs") ) def scan_func(vs_minus_v_xs_, elements_): gamma_t, c_t, dt_v = elements_ return dt_v + gamma_t * c_t * vs_minus_v_xs_ vs_minus_v_xs = tf.scan( fn=scan_func, elems=elements, initializer=tf.zeros_like(tensor=tf.squeeze(bootstrapped_values, axis=0)), parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False, name="v-trace-scan" ) # Reverse the results back to original order. vs_minus_v_xs = tf.reverse(tensor=vs_minus_v_xs, axis=[0], name="revert-vs-minus-v-xs") # Add V(xs) to get vs. vs = tf.add(x=vs_minus_v_xs, y=values) # Calculate the advantage values (for policy gradient loss term) according to: # A = Q - V with Q based on vs (v-trace) values: qs = rs + gamma * vs and V being the # approximate value function output. vs_t_plus_1 = tf.concat(values=[vs[1:], bootstrapped_values], axis=0) pg_advantages = rho_t_pg * (rewards + discounts * vs_t_plus_1 - values) # Return v-traces and policy gradient advantage values based on: A=r+gamma*v-trace(s+1) - V(s). # With `r+gamma*v-trace(s+1)` also called `qs` in the paper. return tf.stop_gradient(vs), tf.stop_gradient(pg_advantages)