Source code for rlgraph.components.helpers.mem_segment_tree

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import operator

from rlgraph.utils.rlgraph_errors import RLGraphError

[docs]class MemSegmentTree(object): """ In-memory Segment tree for prioritized replay. Note: The pure TensorFlow segment tree is much slower because variable updating is expensive, and in scenarios like Ape-X, memory and update are separated processes, so there is little to be gained from inserting into the graph. """ def __init__( self, values, capacity, operator=operator.add ): """ Helper to represent a segment tree. Args: values (list): Storage for the segment tree. capacity (int): Capacity of segment tree. operator (callable): Reduce operation of the segment tree. """ self.values = values self.capacity = capacity self.operator = operator
[docs] def insert(self, index, element): """ Inserts an element into the segment tree by determining its position in the tree. Args: index (int): Insertion index. element (any): Element to insert. """ index += self.capacity self.values[index] = element #void modify(int p, int value) { // set value at position p # for (t[p += n] = value; p > 1; p >>= 1) t[p>>1] = t[p] + t[p^1]; # } # Bit shift should be slightly faster here than division. index = index >> 1 while index >= 1: # No shift because small multiplications are optimized. update_index = 2 * index self.values[index] = self.operator( self.values[update_index], self.values[update_index + 1] ) index = index >> 1
[docs] def get(self, index): """ Reads an item from the segment tree. Args: index (int): Returns: The element. """ return self.values[self.capacity + index]
[docs] def index_of_prefixsum(self, prefix_sum): """ Identifies the highest index which satisfies the condition that the sum over all elements from 0 till the index is <= prefix_sum. Args: prefix_sum .float): Upper bound on prefix we are allowed to select. Returns: int: Index/indices satisfying prefix sum condition. """ assert 0 <= prefix_sum <= self.get_sum() + 1e-5 index = 1 while index < self.capacity: update_index = 2 * index if self.values[update_index] > prefix_sum: index = update_index else: prefix_sum -= self.values[update_index] index = update_index + 1 return index - self.capacity
[docs] def reduce(self, start, limit, reduce_op=operator.add): """ Applies an operation to specified segment. Args: start (int): Start index to apply reduction to. limit (end): End index to apply reduction to. reduce_op (Union(operator.add, min, max)): Reduce op to apply. Returns: Number: Result of reduce operation """ if limit is None: limit = self.capacity if limit < 0: limit += self.capacity # Init result with neutral element of reduce op. # Note that all of these are commutative reduce ops. if reduce_op == operator.add: result = 0.0 elif reduce_op == min: result = float('inf') elif reduce_op == max: result = float('-inf') else: raise RLGraphError("Unsupported reduce OP. Support ops are [add, min, max].") start += self.capacity limit += self.capacity while start < limit: if start & 1: result = reduce_op(result, self.values[start]) start += 1 if limit & 1: limit -= 1 result = reduce_op(result, self.values[limit]) start = start >> 1 limit = limit >> 1 return result
[docs] def get_min_value(self, start=0, stop=None): """ Returns min value of storage variable. """ return self.reduce(start, stop, reduce_op=min)
[docs] def get_sum(self, start=0, stop=None): """ Returns sum value of storage variable. """ return self.reduce(start, stop, reduce_op=operator.add)
class MinSumSegmentTree(object): """ This class merges two segment trees' operations for performance reasons to avoid unnecessary duplication of the insert loops. """ def __init__( self, sum_tree, min_tree, capacity, ): self.sum_segment_tree = sum_tree self.min_segment_tree = min_tree self.capacity = capacity def insert(self, index, element): """ Inserts an element into both segment trees by determining its position in the trees. Args: index (int): Insertion index. element (any): Element to insert. """ index += self.capacity self.sum_segment_tree.values[index] = element self.min_segment_tree.values[index] = element index = index >> 1 while index >= 1: update_index = 2 * index self.sum_segment_tree.values[index] = self.sum_segment_tree.values[update_index] +\ self.sum_segment_tree.values[update_index + 1] self.min_segment_tree.values[index] = min(self.min_segment_tree.values[update_index], self.min_segment_tree.values[update_index + 1]) index = index >> 1