Source code for rlgraph.components.distributions.distribution

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api, graph_fn
from rlgraph.components import Component
from rlgraph.spaces import ContainerSpace

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class Distribution(Component): """ A distribution wrapper class that can incorporate a backend-specific distribution object that gets its parameters from an external source (e.g. a NN). API: get_distribution(parameters): The backend-specific distribution object. sample_stochastic(parameters): Returns a stochastic sample from the distribution. sample_deterministic(parameters): Returns the max-likelihood value (deterministic) from the distribution. draw(parameters, max_likelihood): Draws a sample from the distribution (if `max_likelihood` is True, this is will be a deterministic draw, otherwise a stochastic sample). entropy(parameters): The entropy value of the distribution. log_prob(parameters): The log probabilities for given values. kl_divergence(parameters, other_parameters): The Kullback-Leibler Divergence between a Distribution and another one. """ def __init__(self, scope="distribution", **kwargs): """ Keyword Args: seed (Optional[int]): An optional random seed to use when sampling stochastically. """ self.seed = kwargs.pop("seed", None) super(Distribution, self).__init__(scope=scope, **kwargs) # TEST: Try setting components that don't have variables to input_complete AND variable_complete right away. self.input_complete = True self.variable_complete = True # END: TEST # For define-by-run to avoid creating new objects when calling `get_distribution`. self.dist_object = None
[docs] def check_input_spaces(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): ## The first arg of all API-methods is always the distribution parameters. Check them for ContainerSpaces. #for key in ["sample_stochastic", "sample_deterministic", "draw", # "entropy", "log_prob", "kl_divergence"]: for key in ["distribution", "distribution_b"]: if key in input_spaces: parameter_space = input_spaces[key] # Must not be ContainerSpace (not supported yet for Distributions, doesn't seem to make sense). assert not isinstance(parameter_space, ContainerSpace),\ "ERROR: Cannot handle container parameter Spaces in distribution '{}' " \ "(atm; may soon do)!".format(
# Now use that API-method to get the distribution object to implement all other API-methods.
[docs] def sample_stochastic(self, parameters): distribution = self._graph_fn_get_distribution(parameters) return self._graph_fn_sample_stochastic(distribution)
[docs] def sample_deterministic(self, parameters): distribution = self._graph_fn_get_distribution(parameters) return self._graph_fn_sample_deterministic(distribution)
[docs] def draw(self, parameters, max_likelihood=True): distribution = self._graph_fn_get_distribution(parameters) return self._graph_fn_draw(distribution, max_likelihood)
[docs] def entropy(self, parameters): distribution = self._graph_fn_get_distribution(parameters) return self._graph_fn_entropy(distribution)
@rlgraph_api(must_be_complete=False) def log_prob(self_, parameters, values): distribution = self_._graph_fn_get_distribution(parameters) return self_._graph_fn_log_prob(distribution, values) @rlgraph_api(must_be_complete=False) def kl_divergence(self_, parameters, other_parameters): distribution = self_._graph_fn_get_distribution(parameters) other_distribution = self_._graph_fn_get_distribution(other_parameters) return self_._graph_fn_kl_divergence(distribution, other_distribution) @rlgraph_api def _graph_fn_get_distribution(self, *parameters): """ Parameterizes this distribution (normally from an NN-output vector). Returns the backend-distribution object (a DataOp). Args: *parameters (DataOp): The input(s) used to parameterize this distribution. This is normally a cleaned up single NN-output that (e.g.: the two values for mean and variance for a univariate Gaussian distribution). Returns: DataOp: The parameterized backend-specific distribution object. """ raise NotImplementedError @graph_fn def _graph_fn_draw(self, distribution, max_likelihood): """ Takes a sample from the (already parameterized) distribution. The parameterization also includes a possible batch size. Args: distribution (DataOp): The (already parameterized) backend-specific distribution DataOp to use for sampling. This is simply the output of `self._graph_fn_parameterize`. max_likelihood (bool): Whether to return the maximum-likelihood result, instead of a random sample. Can be used to pick deterministic actions from discrete ("greedy") or continuous (mean-value) distributions. Returns: DataOp: The taken sample(s). """ if get_backend() == "tf": return tf.cond( pred=max_likelihood, true_fn=lambda: self._graph_fn_sample_deterministic(distribution), false_fn=lambda: self._graph_fn_sample_stochastic(distribution) ) elif get_backend() == "pytorch": if max_likelihood: return self._graph_fn_sample_deterministic(distribution) else: self._graph_fn_sample_stochastic(distribution) @graph_fn def _graph_fn_sample_deterministic(self, distribution): """ Returns the maximum-likelihood value for a given distribution. Args: distribution (DataOp): The (already parameterized) backend-specific distribution whose max-likelihood value to calculate. This is simply the output of `self._graph_fn_parameterize`. Returns: DataOp: The max-likelihood value. """ raise NotImplementedError @graph_fn def _graph_fn_sample_stochastic(self, distribution): """ Returns an actual sample for a given distribution. Args: distribution (DataOp): The (already parameterized) backend-specific distribution from which a sample should be drawn. This is simply the output of `self._graph_fn_parameterize`. Returns: DataOp: The drawn sample. """ return distribution.sample(seed=self.seed) @graph_fn def _graph_fn_log_prob(self, distribution, values): """ Probability density/mass function. Args: distribution (DataOp): The (already parameterized) backend-specific distribution for which the log probabilities should be calculated. This is simply the output of `self._graph_fn_parameterize`. values (SingleDataOp): Values for which to compute the log probabilities given `distribution`. Returns: DataOp: The log probability of the given values. """ return distribution.log_prob(value=values) @graph_fn def _graph_fn_entropy(self, distribution): """ Returns the DataOp holding the entropy value of the distribution. Args: distribution (DataOp): The (already parameterized) backend-specific distribution whose entropy to calculate. This is simply the output of `self._graph_fn_parameterize`. Returns: DataOp: The distribution's entropy. """ return distribution.entropy() @graph_fn def _graph_fn_kl_divergence(self, distribution, distribution_b): """ Kullback-Leibler divergence between two distribution objects. Args: distribution (tf.Distribution): The (already parameterized) backend-specific distribution 1. distribution_b (tf.Distribution): The other distribution object. Returns: DataOp: (batch-wise) KL-divergence between the two distributions. """ if get_backend() == "tf": return tf.no_op()
# TODO: never tested. tf throws error: NotImplementedError: No KL(distribution_a || distribution_b) registered for distribution_a type Bernoulli and distribution_b type ndarray #return tf.distributions.kl_divergence( # distribution_a=distribution_a, # distribution_b=distribution_b, # allow_nan_stats=True, # name=None #)