Source code for rlgraph.components.common.synchronizable

# Copyright 2018 The RLgraph authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.utils.rlgraph_errors import RLGraphError
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api
from rlgraph.utils.ops import DataOpDict
from rlgraph.utils.util import get_shape
from rlgraph.components import Component

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class Synchronizable(Component): """ The Synchronizable Component adds a simple synchronization API to arbitrary Components to which this Synchronizable is added (and connected via `connections=CONNECT_ALL`). This is useful for constructions like a target network in DQN or for distributed setups where e.g. local policies need to be sync'd from a global model from time to time. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Keyword Args: collections (set): A set of specifiers (currently only tf), that determine which Variables of the parent Component to synchronize. """ self.collections = kwargs.pop("collections", None) super(Synchronizable, self).__init__(*args, scope=kwargs.pop("scope", "synchronizable"), **kwargs)
[docs] def check_input_completeness(self): # Overwrites this method as any Synchronizable should only be input-complete once the parent # component is variable-complete (not counting this component!). # Check input-completeness of parent. if self.parent_component.input_complete is False: self.parent_component.check_input_completeness() if self.parent_component.input_complete is True: self.parent_component.when_input_complete() # Pretend we are input-complete (which we may not be) and then check parent's variable completeness # under this condition. if self.parent_component.variable_complete is False: self.input_complete = True self.parent_component.check_variable_completeness() self.input_complete = False if self.parent_component.variable_complete: parents_vars = self.parent_component.get_variables(collections=self.collections, custom_scope_separator="-") # We don't have any value yet from the sync-in Component OR # some of the parent's variables (or its other children) have not been created yet. if self.api_method_inputs["values_"] is None or len(self.api_method_inputs["values_"]) != len(parents_vars): return False # Check our own input-completeness (have to wait for the incoming values which to sync to). else: return super(Synchronizable, self).check_input_completeness() return False
@rlgraph_api(must_be_complete=False) def _graph_fn_sync(self, values_): """ Generates the op that syncs this Synchronizable's parent's variable values from another Synchronizable Component. Args: values_ (DataOpDict): The dict of variable values (coming from the "_variables"-Socket of any other Component) that need to be assigned to this Component's parent's variables. The keys in the dict refer to the names of our parent's variables and must match their names. Returns: DataOp: The op that executes the syncing. """ # Loop through all incoming vars and our own and collect assign ops. syncs = list() parents_vars = self.parent_component.get_variables(collections=self.collections, custom_scope_separator="-") # Sanity checking syncs_from, syncs_to = (sorted(values_.items()), sorted(parents_vars.items())) if len(syncs_from) != len(syncs_to): raise RLGraphError("ERROR: Number of Variables to sync must match! " "We have {} syncs_from and {} syncs_to.".format(len(syncs_from), len(syncs_to))) for (key_from, var_from), (key_to, var_to) in zip(syncs_from, syncs_to): # Sanity checking. TODO: Check the names' ends? Without the global scope? #if key_from != key_to: # raise RLGraphError("ERROR: Variable names for syncing must match in order and name! " # "Mismatch at from={} and to={}.".format(key_from, key_to)) if get_shape(var_from) != get_shape(var_to): raise RLGraphError("ERROR: Variable shapes for syncing must match! " "Shape mismatch between from={} ({}) and to={} ({}).". format(key_from, get_shape(var_from), key_to, get_shape(var_to))) syncs.append(self.assign_variable(var_to, var_from)) # Bundle everything into one "sync"-op. if get_backend() == "tf": with tf.control_dependencies(syncs): return tf.no_op()