Source code for rlgraph.components.common.batch_splitter

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.components import Component
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api
from rlgraph.utils.ops import FlattenedDataOp, unflatten_op, DataOpTuple

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class BatchSplitter(Component): """ Splits a number of incoming DataOps along their batch dimension. """ def __init__(self, num_shards, shard_size, **kwargs): """ Args: num_shards (int): Number of shards to split the batch dimension into. shard_size (int): The number of samples in a per-GPU shard. """ super(BatchSplitter, self).__init__( scope=kwargs.pop("scope", "batch-splitter"), graph_fn_num_outputs=dict(_graph_fn_split_batch=num_shards), **kwargs ) assert num_shards > 1, "ERROR: num shards must be greater than 1 but is {}.".format( num_shards ) self.num_shards = num_shards self.shard_size = shard_size @rlgraph_api(flatten_ops=True) def _graph_fn_split_batch(self, *inputs): """ Splits all DataOps in *inputs along their batch dimension into n equally sized shards. The number of shards is determined by `self.num_shards` (int) and the size of each shard depends on the incoming batch size with possibly a few superfluous items in the batch being discarded (effective batch size = num_shards x shard_size). Args: *input (FlattenedDataOp): Input tensors which must all have the same batch dimension. Returns: tuple: # Each shard consisting of: A DataOpTuple with len = number of input args. # - Each item in the DataOpTuple is a FlattenedDataOp with (flat) key (describing the input-piece # (e.g. "/states1")) and values being the (now sharded) batch data for that input piece. # e.g. return (for 2 shards): # tuple(DataOpTuple(input1_flatdict, input2_flatdict, input3_flatdict, input4_flatdict), DataOpTuple([same])) List of FlattenedDataOps () containing DataOpTuples containing the input shards. """ if get_backend() == "tf": #batch_size = tf.shape(next(iter(inputs[0].values())))[0] #shard_size = tf.cast(batch_size / self.num_shards, dtype=tf.int32) # Must be evenly divisible so we slice out an evenly divisible tensor. # E.g. 203 items in batch with 4 shards -> Only 4 x 50 = 200 are usable. usable_size = self.shard_size * self.num_shards # List (one item for each input arg). Each item in the list looks like: # A FlattenedDataOp with (flat) keys (describing the input-piece (e.g. "/states1")) and values being # lists of len n for the n shards' data. inputs_flattened_and_split = list() for input_arg_data in inputs: shard_dict = FlattenedDataOp() for flat_key, data in input_arg_data.items(): usable_input_tensor = data[:usable_size] shard_dict[flat_key] = tf.split(value=usable_input_tensor, num_or_size_splits=self.num_shards) inputs_flattened_and_split.append(shard_dict) # Flip the list to generate a new list where each item represents one shard. shard_list = list() for shard_idx in range(self.num_shards): # To be converted into FlattenedDataOps over the input-arg-pieces once complete. input_arg_list = list() for input_elem in range(len(inputs)): sharded_data_dict = FlattenedDataOp() for flat_key, shards in inputs_flattened_and_split[input_elem].items(): sharded_data_dict[flat_key] = shards[shard_idx] input_arg_list.append(unflatten_op(sharded_data_dict)) # Must store everything as FlattenedDataOp otherwise the re-nesting will not work. shard_list.append(DataOpTuple(input_arg_list)) # Return n values (n = number of batch shards). return tuple(shard_list)