Source code for rlgraph.components.action_adapters.dueling_action_adapter

# Copyright 2018 The RLgraph authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import math

from rlgraph import get_backend
from rlgraph.components.action_adapters.action_adapter import ActionAdapter
from rlgraph.components.layers.nn.dense_layer import DenseLayer
from rlgraph.spaces import IntBox, FloatBox
from rlgraph.utils.decorators import rlgraph_api, graph_fn
from rlgraph.utils.util import SMALL_NUMBER, get_rank
from rlgraph.utils.ops import DataOpTuple

if get_backend() == "tf":
    import tensorflow as tf
elif get_backend() == "pytorch":
    import torch

[docs]class DuelingActionAdapter(ActionAdapter): """ An ActionAdapter that adds a dueling Q calculation to the flattened output of a neural network. API: get_dueling_output(nn_output) (Tuple[SingleDataOp x 3]): The state-value, advantage-values (reshaped) and q-values (reshaped) after passing action_layer_output through the dueling layer. """ def __init__(self, units_state_value_stream, units_advantage_stream, weights_spec_state_value_stream=None, biases_spec_state_value_stream=None, activation_state_value_stream="relu", weights_spec_advantage_stream=None, biases_spec_advantage_stream=None, activation_advantage_stream="relu", scope="dueling-action-adapter", **kwargs): # TODO: change add_units=-1 once we have a true base class for action-adapters. super(DuelingActionAdapter, self).__init__(add_units=0, scope=scope, **kwargs) # The state-value stream. self.units_state_value_stream = units_state_value_stream self.weights_spec_state_value_stream = weights_spec_state_value_stream self.biases_spec_state_value_stream = biases_spec_state_value_stream self.activation_state_value_stream = activation_state_value_stream # The advantage stream. self.units_advantage_stream = units_advantage_stream self.weights_spec_advantage_stream = weights_spec_advantage_stream self.biases_spec_advantage_stream = biases_spec_advantage_stream self.activation_advantage_stream = activation_advantage_stream # Create all 4 extra DenseLayers. self.dense_layer_state_value_stream = DenseLayer( units=self.units_state_value_stream, weights_spec=self.weights_spec_state_value_stream, biases_spec=self.biases_spec_state_value_stream, activation=self.activation_state_value_stream, scope="dense-layer-state-value-stream" ) self.dense_layer_advantage_stream = DenseLayer( units=self.units_state_value_stream, weights_spec=self.weights_spec_state_value_stream, biases_spec=self.biases_spec_state_value_stream, activation=self.activation_state_value_stream, scope="dense-layer-advantage-stream" ) self.state_value_node = DenseLayer( units=1, activation="linear", scope="state-value-node" ) # self.action_layer is our advantage layer self.add_components( self.dense_layer_state_value_stream, self.dense_layer_advantage_stream, self.state_value_node ) @rlgraph_api def get_action_layer_output(self, nn_output): """ Args: nn_output (DataOpRecord): The NN output of the preceding neural network. Returns: tuple: DataOpRecord: The output of the state-value stream (a DenseLayer) after passing `nn_output` through it. DataOpRecord: The output of the advantage-value stream (a DenseLayer) after passing `nn_output` through it. Note: These will be flat advantage nodes that have not been reshaped yet according to the action_space. """ output_state_value_dense = self.dense_layer_state_value_stream.apply(nn_output) output_advantage_dense = self.dense_layer_advantage_stream.apply(nn_output) state_value_node = self.state_value_node.apply(output_state_value_dense) advantage_nodes = self.action_layer.apply(output_advantage_dense) return dict(state_value_node=state_value_node, output=advantage_nodes) @rlgraph_api def get_logits_probabilities_log_probs(self, nn_output): """ Args: nn_output (DataOpRecord): The NN output of the preceding neural network. Returns: tuple (4x DataOpRecord): - The single state value node output. - The (already reshaped) q-values (the logits). - The probabilities obtained by softmaxing the q-values. - The log-probs. """ out = self.get_action_layer_output(nn_output) advantage_values_reshaped = self.reshape.apply(out["output"]) q_values = self._graph_fn_calculate_q_values(out["state_value_node"], advantage_values_reshaped) probabilities, log_probs = self._graph_fn_get_probabilities_log_probs(q_values) return dict(state_values=out["state_value_node"], logits=q_values, probabilities=probabilities, log_probs=log_probs) @graph_fn def _graph_fn_calculate_q_values(self, state_value, advantage_values): """ Args: state_value (SingleDataOp): The single node state-value output. advantage_values (SingleDataOp): The already reshaped advantage-values. Returns: SingleDataOp: The calculated, reshaped Q values (for each composite action) based on: Q = V + [A - mean(A)] """ # Use the very first node as value function output. # Use all following nodes as advantage function output. if get_backend() == "tf": ## Separate out the single state-value node. #state_value, advantages = tf.split( # value=inputs, num_or_size_splits=(1, self.num_advantage_values), axis=-1 #) # Now we have to reshape the advantages according to our action space. #shape = list(self.target_space.get_shape(with_batch_rank=-1, with_category_rank=True)) #advantages = tf.reshape(tensor=advantage_values, shape=shape) # Calculate the q-values according to [1] and return. mean_advantages = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=advantage_values, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # Make sure we broadcast the state_value correctly for the upcoming q_value calculation. state_value_expanded = state_value for _ in range(get_rank(advantage_values) - 2): state_value_expanded = tf.expand_dims(state_value_expanded, axis=1) q_values = state_value_expanded + advantage_values - mean_advantages ## state-value, advantages, q_values # q-values return q_values #tf.squeeze(state_value, axis=-1), advantages, elif get_backend() == "pytorch": mean_advantages = torch.mean(advantage_values, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # Make sure we broadcast the state_value correctly for the upcoming q_value calculation. state_value_expanded = state_value for _ in range(get_rank(advantage_values) - 2): state_value_expanded = torch.unsqueeze(state_value_expanded, dim=1) q_values = state_value_expanded + advantage_values - mean_advantages ## state-value, advantages, q_values # q-values return q_values # TODO: Use a SoftMax Component instead (uses the same code as the one below). @graph_fn def _graph_fn_get_probabilities_log_probs(self, logits): """ Creates properties/parameters and log-probs from some reshaped output. Args: logits (SingleDataOp): The output of some layer that is already reshaped according to our action Space. Returns: tuple (2x SingleDataOp): parameters (DataOp): The parameters, ready to be passed to a Distribution object's get_distribution API-method (usually some probabilities or loc/scale pairs). log_probs (DataOp): Simply the log(parameters). """ if get_backend() == "tf": if isinstance(self.action_space, IntBox): # Discrete actions. parameters = tf.maximum(x=tf.nn.softmax(logits=logits, axis=-1), y=SMALL_NUMBER) # Log probs. log_probs = tf.log(x=parameters) elif isinstance(self.action_space, FloatBox): # Continuous actions. mean, log_sd = tf.split(value=logits, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=1) # Remove moments rank. mean = tf.squeeze(input=mean, axis=1) log_sd = tf.squeeze(input=log_sd, axis=1) # Clip log_sd. log(SMALL_NUMBER) is negative. log_sd = tf.clip_by_value( t=log_sd, clip_value_min=math.log(SMALL_NUMBER), clip_value_max=-math.log(SMALL_NUMBER) ) # Turn log sd into sd. sd = tf.exp(x=log_sd) parameters = DataOpTuple(mean, sd) log_probs = DataOpTuple(tf.log(x=mean), log_sd) else: raise NotImplementedError return parameters, log_probs elif get_backend() == "pytorch": if isinstance(self.action_space, IntBox): # Discrete actions. parameters = torch.max(torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1), torch.tensor(SMALL_NUMBER)) # Log probs. log_probs = torch.log(parameters) elif isinstance(self.action_space, FloatBox): # Continuous actions. mean, log_sd = torch.split(logits, split_size_or_sections=2, dim=1) # Remove moments rank. mean = torch.squeeze(mean, dim=1) log_sd = torch.squeeze(log_sd, dim=1) # Clip log_sd. log(SMALL_NUMBER) is negative. log_sd = torch.clamp( log_sd, min=math.log(SMALL_NUMBER), max=-math.log(SMALL_NUMBER) ) # Turn log sd into sd. sd = torch.exp(log_sd) parameters = DataOpTuple(mean, sd) log_probs = DataOpTuple(torch.log(mean), log_sd) else: raise NotImplementedError return parameters, log_probs